Quick Wins: 3 Cost Effective Ways to Market your Business on a Tight Budget

Quick Wins: 3 Cost Effective Ways to Market your Business on a Tight Budget

Even if you’re operating on a small marketing budget, there are many tactics you can take to improve your website’s organic search engine rankings. [...]

Increase your Sales with Display Advertising this Holiday Season

Increase your Sales with Display Advertising this Holiday Season

If you’re like me – and 69% of other shoppers – you prefer to do as much of your shopping as you can online. And when you’ve been shopping around [...]

Top Takeaways from Inbound 2017

Top Takeaways from Inbound 2017

It was so much fun to attend Inbound 2017 this year!  I am always learning new things and meeting people from all over the world.  Since [...]

Are You Protecting Your Brand with Paid Search?

Are You Protecting Your Brand with Paid Search?

Should I bid on my own branded terms? This is a question I get asked by almost every client at one point or another. It is also a question that is [...]

Why "Above The Fold" Doesn't Matter Anymore

Why "Above The Fold" Doesn't Matter Anymore

Anyone who has built or designed a website has surely run into conversations around the mythical “fold”. This often comes in the form of a client [...]

5 Ways to Use Web Personalization to Improve Customer Experience

5 Ways to Use Web Personalization to Improve Customer Experience

The term “customer experience” has become a bit of a marketing buzzword. However, unlike a lot of the jargon that you might come across in the realm [...]

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Artificial Intelligence: What Do These Mean for My Website?

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Artificial Intelligence: What Do These Mean for My Website?

Chances are, you’re reading this on your phone or tablet. The rise of mobile web usage has surpassed desktop as of last year. That’s a lot of [...]

How to Measure the Success of your Agency Partnership

How to Measure the Success of your Agency Partnership

What does success look like? It seems like a simple question to ask. However, often times a successful agency partnership goes beyond positive Key [...]

Top 10 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Top 10 Reasons to Redesign Your Website

To redesign or not to redesign - that is the question.How do you know when the time is right to make the investment in your business to redesign your [...]

Search Console Crawl Error Spam – Not Your Typical 404 Error

Search Console Crawl Error Spam – Not Your Typical 404 Error

If you haven’t already noticed, Wakefly.com has recently undergone a redesign. If it isn’t your first time here, welcome back and enjoy our fresh new [...]

Why Should You Work with a Digital Marketing Agency?

Why Should You Work with a Digital Marketing Agency?

The Digital Marketing Agency Trust FallSooner or later every company will ask themselves the question: can we do it ourselves? Do we need to hire [...]

Google Tag Manager- 5 Reasons Why You Should Tag Along

Google Tag Manager- 5 Reasons Why You Should Tag Along

Many websites utilize Google Analytics to capture, process, configure, and report on their website traffic and metrics. In 2012, Google launched Tag [...]