Wakefly helps Nonprofits to Achieve Their Goals

We understand that the marketing efforts in nonprofit organizations often fall on the shoulders of those who are already wearing many other hats. It can be overwhelming to build and maintain a website with limited resources. Wakefly helps nonprofits present their brand message online in a compelling manner that will help drive visitors to your cause. 

Our team collaborates closely with you to understand your goals and pain points so that we can focus efforts where they will have the biggest impact. That may involve a redesign of your existing site to add functionality to drive donations and recruitment, or it could be ongoing digital marketing support that spreads awareness of your organization throughout the community.

Thrive Support & Advocacy
Ascentria Care Alliance
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Catholic Medical Center
Harold Grinspoon Foundation
United Methodist Women
American Vacuum Society
Hospice Foundation of America
Haymakers for Hope

need help?

Our experienced team can assist you with all of your web and digital marketing needs.

Services Offered

Brand Awareness

One of the biggest challenges nonprofits face is building brand awareness. We use data to understand which platforms and methods perform the best to get your message where it needs to be. A comprehensive strategy of SEO, content marketing, display advertising and social media helps attract people to your cause.

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UX & Information Architecture

We will make your website work for your users, designing it in the way that they talk and search for information. Crafting user flows to drive visitors towards key calls to action will increase user engagement on your website.

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ADA Compliance

With 20% of users needing an accessible website, ignoring their needs means limiting the audience for your website. Aside from being the right thing to do, there are laws and regulations in effect that make this a requirement for many nonprofits. Wakefly can assist with an audit and remediation efforts to make sure your website is accessible for all.

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Measurement & Reporting

Measurement is at the core of all of the services we provide. Many nonprofit organizations do not have the proper structure in place to accurately calculate or understand how their website and digital marketing efforts are performing. Not sure what to track? We can help with that, too.

Featured Projects

Nixon Visions Logo
Nixon Visions Wakefly Inc. leveraged WordPress to create a sophisticated and effective website for Nixon Visions, demonstrating their expertise in web design and development. By choosing WordPress as the platform, Wakefly ensured Nixon Visions had a scalable and customizable solution that aligned perfectly with their needs.
Arbitration Forums Logo
Arbitration Forums Arbitration Forums is the nation's largest arbitration and subrogation services provider.
Ascentria Care Alliance
Ascentria Care Alliance Ascentria Care Alliance is a non-profit human services organization that offers programs and services that address the social determinants of health.