7 PPC Tips to Live By

7 PPC Tips to Live By

Pay Per Click (PPC) account management is not easy to master. However, if used correctly, it can drive targeted buyers to your site and give you a [...]

Your Digital Marketing Strategy: Get Inspired!

Your Digital Marketing Strategy: Get Inspired!

Digital marketing has taken over traditional marketing channels. Our customers have grown accustomed to engaging and interacting with businesses in [...]

Using UTM Parameters in Your Next Marketing Campaign

Using UTM Parameters in Your Next Marketing Campaign

Have you heard of UTM parameters? Do you know what they are and why you should use them in your digital marketing campaigns? Plainly stated, they are [...]

Why Financial Institutions Should Invest In Paid Marketing

Why Financial Institutions Should Invest In Paid Marketing

As a financial institution, you deal with investments on a daily basis which means you understand the value of a good one when you see it. There are [...]

The Top 4 Benefits of Bidding On Your Branded Terms

The Top 4 Benefits of Bidding On Your Branded Terms

Whether or not you should bid on branded keywords can lead to heated conversations among advertisers and internal teams alike. Many business owners [...]

Dealing with Accessibility in Our New Online World

Dealing with Accessibility in Our New Online World

The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has forced many businesses to rapidly make changes to their digital content. In cases like this, when time is of [...]

An Inside Look at How One Credit Union is Responding to the Pandemic

An Inside Look at How One Credit Union is Responding to the Pandemic

We are coming up on the one month mark since the WHO officially declared the Coronavirus a “pandemic”, the world has undoubtedly been shaken to its [...]

Four Tips to Create Ads That Beat Banner Blindness

Four Tips to Create Ads That Beat Banner Blindness

I overheard an important question the other day, posed by one of my coworkers:When was the last time you actually clicked on a banner ad?As a Digital [...]

Using Paid Search to Safeguard Your Brand

Using Paid Search to Safeguard Your Brand

When it comes to paid search, should I bid on my own branded terms? This is a question I get asked by almost every client at one point or another. It [...]

An Introduction to ASP.NET and 3 Reasons to Use It

An Introduction to ASP.NET and 3 Reasons to Use It

In the world of website software and application development, there are many frameworks and languages that developers can choose from. Each framework [...]

Is Your Content Optimized for SEO? Let’s Cover Some Basics!

Is Your Content Optimized for SEO? Let’s Cover Some Basics!

Content is essential for any website. As you or your team are generating content, checking for SEO is critical in boosting your website visitors and [...]

Why Your Website & Digital Marketing Is More Important Now Than Ever

Why Your Website & Digital Marketing Is More Important Now Than Ever

Coronavirus.  It’s here and it’s all anyone can think about. It’s impacted everything - our health, school, work, play, shopping. It’s even [...]