Wakefly Blog

The Current State of WCAG and ADA Compliance
We have all heard about website accessibility and compliance for many years now, actually 20, to be exact. When the Web Content Accessibility [...]

Optimize your Web Content with this 10-Point SEO Checklist
Well-optimized content is key to having a successful website. However, with Google’s ongoing updates to their algorithms, it can be difficult to stay [...]

What are SERP Features? Part 2
In our previous blog, What are SERP features? Part 1, we provided a general overview of SERP features, and listed ones you will likely encounter. In [...]

Avoid an ADA Compliance Lawsuit on Your Website
Did you know your company could be sued if your website does not meet accessibility compliance? The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has created [...]

What are SERP Features? Part 1
Search Engine Result Page (SERP) features are results you would find when you search for a keyword on any type of major search engines. The biggest [...]

Kentico 12 Service Pack Soon To Be Released
Have you heard? The much anticipated Kentico 12 Service Pack is going to be released soon. This latest release is a mix of marketing-focused [...]

Priority Guides: An Alternative To Wireframes
The planning phase of a website redesign is a critical one. There are so many things to consider to make sure that your site performs well, is [...]

Awareness – the First Step of Website Accessibility
If you are not familiar with the term “Accessibility” when it comes to your website, don’t be surprised. General unawareness of this [...]

Understanding the Power of Yext
Every small business wants to get ranked at the top of Google local SEO. Yext is a service provider that has partnerships with 79 different local and [...]

Top 5 Reasons to Take a Content First Approach On Your Next Website Redesign
Over the years, I have managed hundreds of digital marketing and web design projects, and gathering the content for a new site is arguably the most [...]

Banking Website Features - 5 Must-Haves for Your Website
Are you a banking organization that is about to embark on a website redesign project? Or are you looking to make upgrades that will improve the user [...]

ADA Compliance For Banks in 2019 is Critical
Sometime around the middle of 2012, I started noticing a large increase in tweets about website accessibility lawsuits. This was a bit eye-opening [...]