3 Best Practices for International SEO

3 Best Practices for International SEO

With the rise of the digital economy, marketers can now serve companies just as well remotely. Tools like Zoom and Slack make communication [...]

The Ramifications of Google's January 2020 Core Update

The Ramifications of Google's January 2020 Core Update

On January 16th, Google completed the roll-out of its latest broad core update. Google provides very little information about these large algorithm [...]

The Anatomy of a Successful Bank Website Design

The Anatomy of a Successful Bank Website Design

When you think about anatomy, you might picture parts of a body that are all interconnected to form a whole person. A website can also be broken down [...]

PPC Trends for 2020

PPC Trends for 2020

As the calendar turns to the year 2020, which sounds like a made up year, I wonder what the future holds for PPC marketing. There are many of these [...]

An Outlook on Web Accessibility in 2020

An Outlook on Web Accessibility in 2020

Web accessibility in 2020 looks to bring a wide range of progress, some good, and some not so good. The accessibility community will continue to [...]

2019 Digital Marketing: Year in Review

2019 Digital Marketing: Year in Review

In just a few short days, we will say goodbye to 2019. As we come to the end of the year (and decade), it’s a great time to reflect on our successes, [...]

Website Development Process – The Timeline

Website Development Process – The Timeline

So what is a “Website Development Process”? The quick definition is: the planning and process you go through to develop a website, from inception to [...]

Do Emails Need to Be Accessible?

Do Emails Need to Be Accessible?

IntroductionYes. Just as  websites need to be accessible, the emails we send out need to be accessible as well. While we do not have a specific [...]

3 Easy Ways to Improve Conversion Rate on Your Website

3 Easy Ways to Improve Conversion Rate on Your Website

Increasing your website's conversion rate is one of the top concerns for most businesses. You may have good traffic, but that won't mean anything if [...]

The #1 Reason to Use WordPress Over Static HTML

The #1 Reason to Use WordPress Over Static HTML

Imagine that you had a month-long vacation, where you could luxuriate and enjoy your time, sit by the pool, have a few drinks, and enjoy the peace [...]

How a Poorly Maintained Website Can Cost You Customers

How a Poorly Maintained Website Can Cost You Customers

Keeping your corporate website healthy and up to date has a far greater impact on your client development and retention than you may think. Where [...]

Uncovering Your Company’s Compelling Business Reasons for a Website Redesign: A Multi-Part Series

Uncovering Your Company’s Compelling Business Reasons for a Website Redesign: A Multi-Part Series

Did you know that most companies redesign their website every three to five years? It’s important to understand and acknowledge the critical role [...]